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How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform

These days, many people getting attracted to blogs and blogging. A lot of them want to start their own blogs. However, the most crucial point here is to find a good platform, to begin with. They are constantly asking what a good blogging platform is or How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform. This is something they have no clue as starting a blog is not a tough task, the difficult thing here is to choose a good blogging platform.
It is difficult not because there are not many choices available but a lot of choices are available. So, the thing is How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform, This post will help aspiring bloggers in choosing the best blogging platform by providing details about them along with discussing their pros and cons as well as comparing them with similar platforms.
Before exploring different blogging platforms important thing is to figure out your purpose for starting a blog. The reason behind your blog will help you in narrow downing your search along with the options available for the blogging platform.
First of all, you need to figure out whether you want to start blogging as a hobby or you want to earn from it. There are some platforms that are made for people who start blogging as a hobby. These platforms minimize the prospect of earning for you. If you are a hobbyist then it is wise to consider these platforms as some of them are free. In case you want to earn from blogging, the wise decision is to opt for a more flexible system.
Another question you need to look for an answer is, are you interested in hosted platforms or you are interested in self-hosting. Well, in case of a hosted platform you will get mostly all the features nicely wrapped in a package. These platforms are a good choice for people with low technical skills.
On the same side self – hosting, it is not a difficult thing to learn but sometimes you will find yourself in a mess because of things like WordPress hosting, Domain name and also potential database situation. Along with these, you need to consider your budget or you need any special features you need beside blog.
Best Blogging Platforms

Now let’s get to the main point. Now it’s time to talk about the Best Blogging Platform. Here is the list:

  • Wix
  • Blogger
  • Tumblr
  • Squarespace
  • Medium
  • Ghost
  • Joomla
  • Weebly
Above mentioned platforms are considered as the best blogging platforms. However, is considered the best among all these.
This post is going to provide you with detailed information along with the pros and cons of a few Best Blogging Platform mentioned above. Go through this post you will definitely be able to find the best platform according to your requirement.
When it comes to blogging is the name that appears first on the search list. It is one of the most popular blogging platforms. It is an open source platform that allows people to build their blog or website on their own. The only thing you need is to sign up using a WordPress hosting provider as it is a self-hosted platform. Now take a look at the pros and cons this platform has.
  • You will have the control over every aspect of the website or blog you create.
  • You have the right to expand or add an extra feature such as online store, forums as well as membership options to your website.
  • On, you can find thousands of premium as well as free themes to help you in creating a beautiful and unique website different from the others.
  • You have the opportunity of accessing more than 45,000 plug-ins. This plug-ins will help you in adding different new features as they are like apps for the
  • While talking about the cons the only thing you find as cons are that you need to learn a bit more in order to manage your website. At the same time, you also have to manage your security and backups.
Many people get puzzled while talking about and These are completely different. The is founded by Matt Mullenweg who is also the co-founder of It is basically a blog hosting service presented by Automattic. This platform offers free basic blog hosting service. If required you can buy additional options such as custom domain name, various premium services as well as additional storage.
  • You don’t need any setup for using
  • It is very easy to use as well as manage.
  • You may find a lack of options while extending your site as they have limited options.
  • You are not allowed to run an advertisement on your blog.
  • has the right to suspend your account if there is any violation of their terms of service as you don’t own the blog you have created.
In 2003 Google acquired Blogger, a free blog hosting service. It helps not – tech-savvy users in creating blogs in the quicker and easier way.
  • It is a free platform.
  • People with no technical skills can also use and manage their blog easily on Blogger. It has added the advantage of having Google’s reliability and robust secure platform.
  • You cannot add new features as your blog is limited to the basic tools of blogging.
  • Fewer templates and lack of design options.
  • You won’t get new features or updates frequently.
  • Google has the right to cancel blogger services or suspend your account any time.
Tumblr is considered a little different blogging platform than the others. This is a microblogging platform having social network networking features such as reblogging, following other blogs, built – in – sharing tools and many others.
  • It is easy to use and is free.
  • Tumblr has a social media component.
  • It makes creating blogging videos, images, GIFs and audio formats as it is a microblogging tool.
  • You cannot extend your blog as it has limited features.
  • You can find many themes but they don’t have additional features.
  • It is difficult to import your blog to other platform or backing it up.
After launching in 2012, Medium has developed into a community of writers, journalists, bloggers, and experts. This is an easy to use platform that has limited social networking features.
  • You don’t need any coding skills or set up for use as it is easy to use the platform.
  • The Medium allows you in connecting with people of similar interest as you can reach to any existing online community.
  • You can completely focus on writing without bothering about designing a website.
  • In terms of building a brand or designing it has limited features.
  • In Medium losing the blog means losing all your audience as it owns the audience.
  • You cannot run ads in order to earn money.
As mentioned earlier starting a blog is not a tough thing but having a good platform is what enhances your blogging experience and motivates you for move forward. Hopefully, this post helps you in finding the Best Blogging Platform.
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