NameMoo - Domain Name Generator

How to Choose the Best Domain Name

Choosing the best domain name for your website is one of the most important things you should do right from the start. A Domain name can immediately give the first-time visitor an idea of what your website is all about. With a right domain name, it could potentially improve your online presence by gaining more attention in the search engine or social results pages, higher click through rates, brandability and trustable. In short: Choosing the best domain name for your website is crucial for your success. Here are 7 things you should consider when choosing a domain name for your website.
1) Only Choose .com
Nowadays, there are many choices of domain name extensions available, from the original .com, .net, and .org to niche-specific domain extensions like .play, .kid, .family, .social and others. While it can be tempting to choose the new niche-specific domain extensions, you should always choose .com domain name for your website. .com domain name is the most popular and recognizes TLD (top level domain) on the web. Most people are familiar with .com domain name and very often they will automatically type “.com” at the end when searching for a website.
2) Short and Memorable
Keep your domain name short, preferably less than 15 characters, excluding the TLD. Try avoiding long and complicated domain names as they are hard to remember and prone for more mistype.
3) Choose a Brandable Name
A brandable domain name is a non-keyword name and has no specific meaning. Generally there’re short, catchy, memorable and unique. For example, is a brandable domain name while is not. When using a brandable domain name you must avoid from using a trademarked name so that you don’t infringe on another site’s or brand’s trademark.
4) Use Domain Name Generator
Do not rack your brain to come up the perfect domain name, use a domain name generator tool like NameMoo to simplify the whole process. Tools like NameMoo is capable of generating hundreds of good domain name ideas and it should give you a head start.
5) Use Keyword in your Domain
Keyword plays an important role in the search engine ranking. According to the research done by HigherVisibility, including a keyword in a domain name has a widespread and positive impact on SEO. In addition, it also educates your visitor to understand what your site’s niche and focus is about.
6) Avoid Hyphens and Numbers
Using hyphens and numbers in a domain name may cause confusion to your users. Often the users will not remember that you’ve used a hyphen or the numbers are written out as words or are numeric and end up may lead them to your competitor’s website.
7) Easy to Pronounce and Spell
Go for a domain name that is easy to pronounce and spell. A complex domain name often will be more prone to mistype and cause lost of opportunities or misdirected traffic.
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